Monday, June 7, 2010

Classical Computability Theory - Bibliography

Classical Computability Theory - Bibliography (here as pdf)

In quoting from any paper reprinted and/or translated in Davis [1965], Epstein and Carnielli
[1989], Ewald [1996], van Heijenoort [1967], and Wang [1970], and others, page numbers
are taken from those books.

Ackermann, W.
[1928] "On Hilbert's construction of the real numbers", in van Heijenoort [1967], 495-
507. (English translation of "Zum Hilbertschen Aufbau der reellen Zahlen",
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[1936a] "An unsolvable problem of elementary number theory", American Journal of
Mathematics 58 (1936), 345-63. Reprinted in Davis [1965], pp. 89-107.
[1936b] "A note on the Entscheidungsproblem", Journal of Symbolic logic 1 (1936),
40-41. Reprinted in Davis [1965], 110-15.
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[1970] "On the difficulty of computations", in Chaitin [1990], 20-8.
[1974] "Information-theoretic computational complexity", in Chaitin [1990] , 29-38.
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Cleland, C. E.
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Cohen, Daniel E.
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Cutland, Nigel
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Herken [1988], 309-14.

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[1997] Logic and Scientific Methods, Volume One of the Tenth International Congress
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Davis, Martin D. and Weyuker, Elaine J.
[1983] Computability, Complexity, and Languages: Fundamentals of Theoretical
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Denning, Peter J. and Dennis, Jack B. and Qualitz, Joseph E.
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Deutsch, David
[1985] "Quantum theory, the Church-Turing principle and the universal quantum
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3PU, UK, available on Deutsch's home page
[] which does not exist anymore.
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Doyle, Jon
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Epstein, Richard L. and Carnielli, Walter A.
[1989] Computability: Computable Functions, Logic, and the Foundations of
Mathematics, Wadsworth & Brooks, Pacific Grove, California, 1989.

Ewald, William B. (ed.)
[1996] From Kant to Hilbert: A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics
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Feferman, Solomon
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Felscher, Walter
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Gandy, Robin
[1980] "Church's thesis and principles for mechanisms", in Barwise, Keisler and Kunen [1980], 123-48.
[1988] "The confluence of ideas in 1936", in Herken [1988], 55-111.
[1992] "Human versus mechanical intelligence", in Millican and Clark [1996], 125-36.

Gabbay D. and Guenthner, F. (eds.)
[1983] Handbook of Philosophical Logic. Vol. I: Elements of Classical Logic, Reidel.
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[1996] "The Church-Turing thesis: its nature and status", in Millican and Clark
[1996], 137-77.

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Girard, Jean-Yves
[1987] Proof Theory and Logical Complexity Vol.I, Bibliopolis, Naples, 1987.

Gödel, Kurt
[1931] "On formally undecidable propositions of Principia Mathematica and related
Systems I", in Davis [1965], 5-38. (English translation of "Über formal
unentscheidbare Sätze der Principia Mathematica und verwandter Systeme I",
Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik 38 (1931), 173-98.
[1934] "On undecidable propositions of formal mathematical systems", mimeographed
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Goodman, Nicolas D.
[1987] "Intensions, Church's thesis, and the formalization of mathematics", Notre
Dame Journal of Formal Logic 28 (1987), 473-98.

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Hasslacher, Brosl
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Herken, Rolf (ed.)
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Hermes, Hans
[1965] Enumerability, Decidability, Computability, Springer, Berlin, 1965.
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Heyting, Arendt
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of the 1960 International Congress, Stanford Press, Stanford, 1962, 194 -7.

Hilbert, David
[1926] "On the infinite", in van Heijenoort [1969], 367-92. (English translation of
"Über das Unendliche", Math. Ann. 95 (1926), 161-90.)

Hilbert, David and Ackermann, Wilhelm
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