Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Readiness for War of the European Population under US-American Leadership?

Recently in the German online magazine „Spiegel“: „Deutsche wünschen sich starke USA“ - („Germans Desire Strong USA“) - an uncritical summary of a per se questionable statistics. Quite a few German might have asked themselves: whom did they interview?

At least, the apprentice of this kind of copy & paste journalism indicated the source: the survey "Transatlantic Trends", contracted by the German Marshall Fund (GMF). The entry in the English Wikipedia displays the warning that the article on the GMF would „be written like an advertisement“ (say crude propaganda).

Exactly the same way – like propaganda – the article in the Spiegel is written. Marginally modified, it was adopted from the website of the GMF: Press Release: 10 Years After 9/11, Europeans Still Desire Strong U.S. Leadership in World. Here are the questions and „results“:

The questions taken as a whole aim at depicting readiness for war of the European population under US-American Leadership (just put the pieces together). According to the GMF, the survey was carried out bei the Compagnia di San Paolo  (sample size, where, how, when, why – details unknown). On its website that Compagnia is called a „charitable brotherhood, founded in Torino in 1563“. Moreover, the brotherhood is member of the European Foundation Centre  which – as a chief task – is preparing the smooth cross border operating of funds in the EU, and of the  ACRI – Association of Italian Foundations and Saving Banks.  Both are lobby organizations.

The question, „if under certain conditions war is necessary to obtain justice“ is a typical suggestive question

In the course of a live interview the interviewee probably will not be aware of the last part of the question containing the word 'justice'. And, of course, „some conditions“ can be imagined for almost everything ...


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